Are You Shy…Or Socially Anxious?

3 min readJan 4, 2021

When I was a kid, I was very shy. I wouldn’t talk to strangers, or even people I knew in the family circle.

At school I would play by myself. I seldom talk or ask questions. My class teachers often described me as “a silent pupil”.

I thought I was an introvert, and because of this, my “quiet” personality was normal. Until I started working. My quietness became a real challenge for my development.

Networking was one of the key elements in many business settings. High flyers, usually very outgoing, were often considered being strong in connecting with people. They were very popular and well recognized by the coworkers and bosses. They were the icons in the companies and could climb up the corporate ladders quick.

I tried very hard to change my personality. I pushed myself to attend networking events. When I arrive at the venues, I could feel my heart was tensed, my face was frozen. I avoided any eye contact with people I didn’t know. I scanned to see if there were acquaintances so I could chit chat with them. When someone approached me, I felt so uncomfortable and wanted to runaway at once. My armpits would sweat so badly.

Whenever there was a phone call coming in, or I had to make a call, I felt very tense. I was scared for no reason. After each call, I could feel tingly sensation in my…




Introverted women, do you want to regain clarity, discover true happiness and success or build wonderful relationships? Let me guide you