Why are we here? A question that can lead you to a fulfilled life

4 min readMar 7, 2021

I came across a post about a TikTok video which went viral recently. The video was about a mom describing what her 4-year old daughter talked about her past life. She said she used to work in the Twin Towers, which was destroyed on September 11, 2000, 14 years before she was born.

There’re so many stories people have shared about their past life experiences. Some people experienced being visited by or reunion with the loved ones. A boy of three returned home from school with a stack of drawings one day. His mom asked him what he drew. He told his mom that “she” was her twin sister who died at birth. “She” then chose to become her son and be with her. The drawings were “her” recollection of them in their mother’s womb.

Believe it or not.

I’ve been questioning what would happen to our soul when we die. Upon my religious belief, Christianity, we’ll return to heaven and enjoy enteral life.

In the last two years, I’ve a chance to learn more about quantum physics, neuroscience, and consciousness. I’ve learnt something far more than just an eternal life.

  1. We’re all energy originated from the same source.. Energy does not dissipate or disappear. Energy travels as waves with a particular frequency.




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